Ballancer®Pro 24 Sessions (save 30%)
Ballancer®Pro 24 Sessions (save 30%)
The Ballancer®Pro is a state-of-the-art, FDA-cleared compression therapy system, backed by decades of medical research based on the principles of manual lymphatic drainage. The Ballancer®Pro is a groundbreaking system that uses the proven principles of lymphatic drainage for a variety of result-focused modalities, like pre-op care & post-op recovery management, muscle recovery and regeneration, detox, body contouring, skin-tightening and more. Light years ahead of any other device of its kind, the Ballancer®Pro has been coined “The Rolls Royce of Lymphatic Massage.”
This package is for 24, 60-minute sessions. Each session will consist of 40 minutes in the pants and 20 minutes in the jacket.
*All packages are non-refundable, non-transferable, and expire in 2 years.