Trouble falling asleep, Inflammation, Chronic disease & Bloating
Please describe your symptoms.
I had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Myasthenia Gravis and Lyme disease within the last 9 years. I had a thymectomy that resulted in infusions, plasmapheresis and years of high doses of prednisone. My myasthenia gravis was considered in remission after 4 years of treatment. A year ago in August I developed a unusual rash all over my body that would wake me up at night. The itchiness was driving me crazy. At that point I just wanted to be healthy again without the medications. I weaned myself off prednisone and decided to try to do things naturally.
How did these affect your daily life?
The rash kept me from enjoying the beach and summer activities in the sun. I dealt with pain and swelling in my joints from Rheumatoid Arthritis around the clock. I felt bloated and couldn't go for a walk in the morning because I needed to stay near a bathroom. It was obvious my system was a mess.
How do you feel now?
Honestly it's a miracle! I had little faith that seeing a nutritionist would take my ailments away. But the program that NWHS put me on and teaching me the 4 square eating program along with natural supplements has changed my life. I can honestly say I am healthy and no longer have health issues. All of my symptoms are gone! – Beverly P.
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
I always thought I was doing the right things for my health. I love to run and ran a half marathon with my daughter in June. We did all of the training for 3 months prior to the race, so we were ready. My weight got down to 185 lbs, but my ideal weight is more like 165 lbs. It seemed that no matter what I did I couldn’t get below 185 lbs. Shortly after the race, I began having groin, hip and knee problems which may have been due to overuse. I took some time off from running and went for x-rays. The doctors found there was no apparent medical problem. I was frustrated that I wasn’t able to heal which led me to become less concerned about what I was eating (like eating Dunkin Donuts Coffee Rolls). I put on nearly 20 lbs. The arthritis I had in my fingers was also more painful during this time. In addition, in the last year I noticed that a lot of the foods I was eating were giving me acid reflux. I ended up taking Tums daily for the discomfort. I was taking no other prescription medications, but I do take a couple of vitamins, so I thought I was healthy. I needed to do something new and thankfully Bob Garvin from Body Talk Radio suggested I try NWHS.
How do you feel now?
From the very first meeting with NWHS they created a customized meal plan which made all the sense in the world to me! I enthusiastically adapted the program and executed nearly flawlessly. It wasn’t that hard to adapt. I stopped drinking coffee and that kept me away from the unhealthy Coffee Rolls. After only 4 weeks have lost 10lbs! I feel strong and confident again and am back to running 3 miles without any pain! I wake up in the morning with high energy ready to get going. The arthritis pain in my fingers is gone. Also, I have not needed any Tums since two days into the program! I am always satiated and have no cravings for sweets (especially Dunkin Coffee Rolls) and I’m amazed. I have learned so much about the foods that I was eating and now I’m making much better choices for my lifestyle. I don’t feel restricted in any way and feel that this program will help get me to my health goals! – R.M.
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
I have been riddled with a long list of symptoms for approximately 12 years. These symptoms have always been there, but in the past twelve years have been getting progressively worse. I had headaches every day, migraines that lasted on average 3 days long occurring once a week or so, chronic joint pain in my wrists, knees, elbows, and ankles, had foggy brain where I couldn’t retrieve words, poor short and long term memory, felt sluggish, weak, and was tired all the time, yet had difficulty sleeping. I had odd symptoms that were not easy to track such as seeing spots, feeling dizzy, nausea, pain in my eyes, tingling in my fingers and arms, muscle cramps in my feet and legs, and the symptoms go on and on. I have also had continued issues with weight gain. I weighed 120 when I was in college and year after I graduated in 2007, I started to put the weight on. I got as heavy as 172 before my pregnancy. After my pregnancy, I weighed as heavy as 180. After my son was born in 2014, I started to take a closer look at my health as it took a turn for the worse. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, Hashimotos Disease, Vitaligo, and was showing signs of Fibromyalgia, Lupas, and Pre-Diabetes. In December of 2015, I discovered I had a leaky gut, so I started to watch what I ate more closely and started to check in with my health providers; my endocrinologist, dermatologist, chiropractor, and PCP. Still no improvements.
How do you feel now?
In May of this year, I went to NWHS and I had all the above symptoms, but weighed 172lbs. I started to work with these amazing women, and from May to October, just five months, I saw HUGE improvements. I lost 40 pounds and now weigh 132!!! I have not weighed this since 2007! I also had more energy, decreased foggy brain, reduced inflammation in my joints causing me to finally be able to wake up without being stuck upstairs for at least a half hour because I couldn’t take the challenge of the stairs. My thyroid medication has been slowly decreasing in amounts and I am no longer on a high dose, and I have gotten rid of all those odd symptoms that I thought were small, and have decreased all of my other chronic symptoms. I went from having daily headaches and once a week migraines to have once a month headaches and I have only had two migraines since May! The level of improvement I have seen since working with NWHS is just miraculous! It has only been five months and I plan to continue to have their support and guidance for the rest of my life! I cannot wait for my future! – Germainia Bruce
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
I felt sluggish, had low energy and major joint pain in extremities. I had problems walking from the joint pain and after sitting for a long period of time. I found myself shuffling my feet and legs after waking from bed in the morning. I would shuffle walk until pain went away. My blood pressure was 144/92, my sugar and cholesterol were too high and I was on the verge of going on medication and my heart rate was 72 BPM.
How do you feel now?
Now, I have high energy and ALL JOINT PAIN IS GONE! My blood pressure is 120/72, my heart rate is 52 BPM and I have normal levels of cholesterol and sugar! My doctor says I do not need to go on medication. I am now able to run 3-5 miles every morning. I have lost 30 pounds in the last 6 months! – David Yencho
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
Before coming to NWHS I was experiencing severe GI issues, I felt bloated all of the time no matter what I ate or did. I was fatigued to the point that any time I sat down I felt like I could fall asleep. I was experiencing pain on a daily basis in my chest and in between my shoulders that was impeding my ability to get around.
How do you feel now?
In just four weeks I feel SO much better! The bloating is about 75% better and my GI system is back on track. I have had only 1 spasm in my chest since starting the program, and my overall pain has improved so that I am able to do my daily activities. I am getting to bed earlier and sleeping well. My energy has gone up to the point where I don’t even feel the need to nap! – Charlotte F.
NWHS has been amazing! They are so honest and nonjudgmental even when I am judging myself. I have tried a million fad diets and nothing has worked before. I am not a diet – I can live and eat normally. I don’t deprive myself and that’s what has helped me to apply this long term. I am down to a weight that I haven’t been since before the “freshmen 15.” Besides changes in my weight, my skin on my face and arms has begun to clear and my hair is growing longer and healthier. Thank you thank you thank you! I look forward to my continued work with you and the changes to come. – Taylor Yencho
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
Before coming to NWHS I was having chronic joint pain on a daily basis and had swollen glands. I was experiencing chronic fatigue so much that I would have to nap at least once a day, sometimes more. I was getting bloating and stomach pains on a regular basis, as well as headaches. This was all causing me to feel very depressed.
How do you feel now?
I have been coming to NWHS for five weeks now doing nutrition counseling. In only a few weeks of working with with my nutritionist, I already feel like a new person. My joint pain has decreased about 70%. I have minimal headaches. My fatigue is getting better, and I no longer feel the need to nap! My swollen glands are now completely gone. It has been difficult learning a new lifestyle, but it is so worth it to have my life back!! – Lisa D.
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
Before coming to NWHS, I felt absolutely horrible! I was constantly bloated, tired and moody. My hair was falling out and my skin was dry and pale I had gained 15lbs. I started to forget what it felt like to feel normal. My clothes were uncomfortable due to the bloating and I never wanted to do anything because of how I felt and how exhausted I was. The worst part was I was missing important nutrients that my body needed.
How do you feel now?
Now I feel amazing! I am down 12 lbs and my energy is way better. My bloating is gone and I feel like a different person. It’s a great feeling waking up every day happy to get up and go about my normal routine, which I was unable to do before. I am back to loving the gym and doing all the things I once did! – K.C.
My experience with food before I made the decision to come to NWHS was like a roller coaster ride. I would gain weight and then struggle to take it off, and this has been going on for years. My experience with food after working with NWHS has completely changed. I know what to eat, when to eat and why I am eating these foods. I have a balanced nutritional meal plan that works for me. I am on track and on my way to a healthy lifestyle. – Greg Matthews
Before coming to NWHS I had little energy and a lot of food cravings. I had tried every diet on the market most more than once! Nothing seemed to work. I would weigh myself every day and my mood would be determined by the number on the scale. My relationship with food overall was not a positive one.
I have been doing nutrition counseling at NWHS for five weeks now and since coming my energy has gone way up, and I am now in control of my food cravings. My mood is great and even better it has been stable. Food is no longer the primary focus in my life, and does not cause me stress, in fact I love what I am eating and it’s easy to maintain! I have finally found my answers through coming to NWHS and am so grateful. I have lost a total of 10 pounds and am continuing to lose weight consistently, and I know I am doing it the right way. Thank you so much NWHS!! – Karla Pressman
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
Before coming to NWHS I was experiencing severe bloating, pain, pressure and gas on a daily basis. I was down to only seven foods that I was able to eat and even those were starting to bother me. I had these feelings of pain and bloating for my entire life with no relief. I had been to multiple doctors, and had countless tests done and nothing had helped.
How do you feel now?
Since coming to NWHS for nutritional counseling and NRT, I feel incredible!!! EVERY symptom has improved, she has literally changed my life. Within two weeks of doing NRT and taking my supplements, every symptom had improved significantly! After only one month, I have NO more pain, NO pressure, NO bloating and very little to no gas, which I know over time will go away with their help. Thank you NWHS!! – Susan Eaton
How did these symptoms affect your daily life?
I never knew when a migraine might come on. I would worry that I would get one before or during an important event. Sometimes I would just have to stay home for a few hours before meds kicked in.
How is the quality of your life now? What symptoms have improved?
For a few years of my life, I had migraines. Sometimes I would wake up in the morning with them, or, sometimes they would just come on suddenly during the day. Migraine meds... prescribed by my MD, certainly worked ... but I do not like to take meds if I can avoid them. My daughter, Ali, suggested I go to NWHS. Ali told me about the numerous people, with all sorts of issues, that NWHS had helped. As I had been a firm believer in healthy nutrition, I thought this was worth trying. NWHS advised me on foods I should cut out and also prescribed natural supplements with the aid of NRT. Within a short period of time, my migraine attacks happened far less often. Eventually, they, basically, disappeared. I have had a few other issues through the years and NWHS has solved those also. I highly recommend NWHS! – Lori Kraft
Sinus polyps/fATIGUE
How did these symptoms affect your daily life?
I was constantly feeling slow and sluggish. I was unable to exercise or do yoga classes because it was so difficult to breathe. I was having major mood swings, cravings, and energy dips. I was gaining weight and I couldn't figure out why or how.
How is the quality of your life now? What symptoms have improved?
Since coming to NWHS, I have seen my symptoms improve dramatically! I was able to get rid of my sinus polyps through nutrition and lifestyle changes. I was able to avoid having a second sinus surgery and more steroids. NWHS always explained the reasoning and science behind everything my body was doing and how I can help it get back on track. They made me feel comfortable and encouraged me to keep going. They help me set reasonable goals and create meal plans that work for my busy life! After 5 short months and some major dietary changes, my life has improved tenfold. I now feel like myself, I can think clearly, I am enjoying getting up early to workout and can find fun and fuel in food! I can not recommend NWHS enough to anyone who may need support in any area of their life! – Kelley McQuillin
Stomach ache/Fatigue/Anxiety
(Afternoon energy crashes, Mood swings, Nausea, Reduced energy, Not feeling rested, Inflammation, Cravings, Bloating, Need for caffeine, Dry skin, Aches/pains, Constantly hungry, Itchy skin, Headaches/migraines, Weight gain, Depression, Other)
How did these symptoms affect your daily life?
Anyone that has suffered with anxiety knows how crippling this can be and affect your day to day life. For me it was even as simple as going into the grocery store, the bank or getting drinks with friends and having dinner. I love doing these things. I love being social, I love a good home goods or Tjmax trip, but I just couldn’t for so long. I wasn’t ever fully present. I’ve been to numerous doctors appointments, specialists, numerous medications for anxiety, depression, acid reflux. For thyroid suffers it’s a journey, and if your labs look fine they normally just send you away but you have to be persistent. You have to be your own healthcare advocate. You know your body you know when something isn’t right.
How is the quality of your life now? What symptoms have improved?
I’ve been going to NWHS for about a month and half now and honestly I feel like my old self again. I just feel good. I genuinely feel happy and have more energy as a result of good nutrition. I thought I was pretty healthy, turns out I was putting foods into my body that caused more harm than good. NWHS really educated me on the foods I’m eating and how certain foods can have alternate affects especially with my thyroid, like gluten, soy, and which foods that were enriched in iodine, protein supplants would actually help to repair cells in my body. And it’s worked. I keep saying they’re kind of like a miracle worker. I went into this not expecting anything really not having much hope and just figured what do I have to lose. I’m so glad I came in for a visit and hope my story as vulnerable and raw as it is can help someone suffering and get them on the right path to a much healthier happier life. – Laura Magarian