How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
I had irritable bowel syndrome, lack of energy and circulation issues. My low energy was food related and I experienced a lot of “crashes” and craved carbs! I was stressed and irritable and had frequent skin breakouts. I had stomach pain, constipation and bloating. Also, I suffer from Raynaud’s disease (hand and feet numbness).
How do you feel now?
I no longer need to constantly eat to sustain energy during workouts and I do not need prescription drugs for IBS anymore!!! This is amazing to me. I have no bloating feelings and have regular bowel movements. My hair and skin appears to be healthier and I no longer see the gastroenterologist!n – Kelly G.
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
Before coming to NWHS I was nauseous every day, suffered from severe headaches, and could not get off the couch after 4pm due to exhaustion. I had been suffering from severe headaches for over 3 years and had tried everything including; seeing four different neurologists, going to two pain clinics, four occipital nerve burns, having botox, acupuncture, nerve blocks and being on many medications. I was at my wits end. My life consisted of trying to go to work, do household chores and trying to take care of my family. I did not succeed very well at anything and most my days I ended up on the couch eating ice cream for dinner because I was so nauseous, while my family had to order take out again.
How do you feel now?
I cannot believe the transformation I have had since coming to NWHS! I now have consistent energy, my nausea is GONE and my headaches have gone from an 8-9 on a 1-10 scale to a 3-4. I feel like I finally have my life back! I’ve also lost over 28lbs, but more importantly, I am able to function on a daily basis and take care of my family. I’m even able to go out a dinner date with my husband! I have been able to work again, which is tutoring students with dyslexia which I love, and go for long walks with my dog. I have learned how to fuel my mind and body through eating the right foods, and now know how to take care of my body for the rest of my life. I feel like a new me, thank you NWHS! – Terri Bradford
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
I was overweight and tired. I had gastrointestinal and gynecological problems for years that went unresolved despite seeking medical attention.
How do you feel now?
My gastrointestinal problems and gynecological problems are COMPLETELY gone after only a few weeks on my NRT program. I am sleeping better and I am starting to lose weight. This really works! – Aileen M.
Before coming to NWHS I felt fat, depressed and old! I had been trying to lose this fat layer by many traditional diet methods to no avail. Since coming to NWHS, I have lost 20LBS of FAT only! I am 49 years old and now I am down to my 30 year old weight (168) and still have all my strength at the gym! And, this May I noticed that I have virtually NO allergy symptoms this year! This is amazing even to me. Thank you girls for all the help. — Matt T.
I set up my first Nutritional Counseling appointment because I wanted to make sure I was eating the best I could and wanted my digestion to improve. A lot of my friends thought I was crazy because I wasn’t overweight and for the most part I ate fairly well. However, after long days of teaching I was exhausted and it was a struggle to get myself to the gym most of the time. After working on my nutrition, we decided it would be great to try NRT. Between the NRT and Nutritional Counseling, I feel amazing. I have more consistent energy throughout the day (with no caffeine, and no 3pm slump). I also feel clearheaded and have been sleeping better than I have in years. My digestion has drastically improved as well. I love knowing that I’m eating the best I can and taking care of my body. NWHS has been amazing throughout the whole process, teaching me about nutrition, how my body works and why certain supplements will help. I’m really happy I decided to take the step and schedule my first appointment last year! – Catherine, Portsmouth, NH
I have always considered myself to be a healthy, active person but about two years ago I developed severe digestive problems. I had all kinds of tests performed on me with no diagnosis or recommended treatment. It affected my work and my ability to work out. I decided to try Nutrition Response Testing. It has been almost a year now and I am symptom free! Not only has it helped my health issues but I no longer take allergy medicine for my severe spring allergies. My experience with Courtney has completely changed my view on the kind of food I buy and what I feed my family.” – Laura L., Reading, MA
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
My main concerns were PCOS, infertility, hormonal imbalances and me wanting to be overall healthier. I had low energy, mood, and self-esteem. My thyroid tests were around a 3.0, and my prolactin levels were 40.
How do you feel now?
My mood and energy have both increased! I recently had my thyroid tested and after only 7 weeks of NRT and taking my supplements, it has decreased to 1.44!!! Also, my prolactin level has decreased to 10.4!
This is simply amazing to me. The results of a healthy diet plus NRT have far exceeded my expectations in such a short amount of time!! – Eileen
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
Before coming to NWHS, my 3-year-old son experienced reduced energy, inflammation and hyperthyroid symptoms. This affected his development, gross motor skills, cognitive function, speech, dietary issues and interaction with others.
How did you feel now?
I have improved by 100%! Since doing NRT I have had so many more cognitive leaps and growth spurts compared to any other therapy he has tried. Huge, huge, huge progress in all areas of my development! – John B.
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
I experienced many symptoms before coming to NWHS: never feeling rested, mood swings, headaches, bloating, dry skin, nausea, aches and pains, and fatigue. I was unable to lead a productive life. I went through the motions of living and existing, as opposed to actively participating in things I wanted to do. My poor health hindered my social life and made my goal of being healthy enough to go into law enforcement impossible!
How do you feel now?
Great! I have energy, feel healthy and have accomplished so many physical goals that would have never been achievable before NWHS. NWHS gave me the tools to heal my body and be healthy for the first time in my life. – Maria A.
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
Before coming to NWHS, I experienced nausea, fatigue, bloating, weight gain, headaches, anxiety and mood swings. These symptoms made my life miserable…I felt like I was in someone else’s body. My aches and pains made my life difficult to live the lifestyle I had been used to.
How do you feel now?
I have been visiting NWHS for about 6 months now and notice dramatic differences in physical and mental well-being. NWHS has done more for me and my Lyme Disease symptoms in the short 6 months than my Lyme specialist has done for me in over a year! They are miracle workers! – Crystal O'Connell
How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
Prior to coming to NWHS, I struggled with terrible anxiety, and was discouraged with my body, energy level, and overall happiness. I was tired and constantly stressed, so I made food choices that were quick and processed with limited nutritional value.
How do you feel now?
NWHS changed my entire mindset towards food. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can find a happy balance and better alternatives. I’m more aware of what I put into my body including cosmetics, cleaners, etc. I feel fulfilled, happy, satisfied, and have enough energy to chase around my 6 year old twins. – Ashley Kinsman