

How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
I was gaining weight even while going to the gym four times a week. I used to need to take antacids after every meal and before bedtime. I felt bloated, tired and had migraines. I also suffered from night sweats and insomnia. I went to many doctors, only to be told my symptoms were “normal” side effects of menopause and there were no cures. I decided to go to NWHS as a last resort.

How do you feel now?
Since starting the Microcurrent Ideal Weight Loss Program 10 weeks ago – I have lost 9.4 lbs and 3.3% body fat, BMI has decreased by 1.5 points and I have lost 1 inch of my hips. I now look as good on the outside as I feel on the inside!nOn top of these health improvements, I also have no more migraines! I have no more night sweats or insomnia. My stomach never hurts anymore and I haven’t needed to take antacids for four months. I have more energy and never feel tired in the afternoon! – M.G.



How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
Before starting The Microcurrent Ideal Weight Loss Program, my weight kept creeping up and I felt I needed a way to boost my metabolism. My clothes were getting tighter and my self-esteem was declining.

How do you feel now?
I absolutely love the Microcurrent Weight Loss Program! It was the remedy I needed to boost my metabolism and get it revved up to start losing weight again from my previous constant yo-yo dieting. I love that NWHS checks my food journal and fine tunes any areas just for me. In 6 weeks I have lost 7.8 pounds, my BMI has decreased by 1.4 and my fat has decreased by 1.4%, I have lost 1 inch from my chest, .5 inches from my arms, and 2 inches from my hips!! We tweaked my diet to help me eat cleaner and most importantly I feel better about myself! – Antoinette Sellitto



How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
Before coming to NWHS and starting the Microcurrent Weight Loss Program I felt bloated, tired, upset with myself, and hopeless that I would ever feel good about the way I looked again. I was having a lot of cravings for sugar and carbs. My weight would fluctuate week to week, I could never seem to stay on track. I always felt like I looked swollen and unhealthy. I had trouble sleeping and paying attention throughout the day at school and work. I decided that I did not want to live that way anymore and that I wanted to make some changes to start a healthier life for myself.

How do you feel now?
I have felt and seen so many improvements through my journey with the Microcurrent Weight Loss program. I have finally lost weight, my body fat percentage decreased by 3%, my BMI decreased by 1.5 points, my visceral fat decreased by 1 whole point, and my muscle increased by 1.6%. I also lost 2 inches off my hips, 1.5 inches off my chest, and 0.5 inches off my waist. As great as it was to see improvements in all the numbers, I learned through this process that being healthy and happy is so much more than a number on the scale. I had more energy, I am happier, my cravings have decreased, and I am feeling really good about how I look. Although it is nice to see the numbers on the scale decrease, the things that really made me happy were fitting into my clothes better, going down a dress size and being able to fit into my “goal dress” for my sister’s wedding, and it is nice to get compliments from people as well. This Microcurrent Weight Loss Program was so great for me. I feel better both physically and mentally. I could not be more grateful to have gotten this opportunity and I would suggest it to anyone! – Colleen Brine



How did you feel before NWHS?
Before coming to NWHS, my health was on a road to disaster. I was borderline hypertensive, diabetic and my triglycerides were astronomically high. My body weight was higher than it ever has been. I was instantly feeling bloated and had uncontrollable cravings for unhealthy foods. I couldn’t find the energy to help myself, but I knew I had to do something. I had worked with Courtney and her staff in the past and had incredible results. So it was a no brainer when I finally made the decision to get healthy.

How do you feel now?
I am five weeks into the Microcurrent Ideal Weight Loss Program and I feel incredible! I have an abundance of energy, my mood is always positive, I sleep like a baby and all of my cravings for bad foods are gone! I have lost a total of 11 lbs, my BMI has gone down 1.6 points, my body fat has decreased by 2.5% and I have lost 2.5 inches off my hips. All of this in just 5 weeks!!n Working with Ashley, I am confident that I can get to my ideal weight loss goal of 40 lbs or more. NWHS is always there to answer all of my questions and to offer motivation to continue on with positive results. I would recommend working with NWHS if you want to achieve the best results in your quest for health! – Eric Isnor



How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
Before I came to NWHS, I was a hot mess! I suffered from night sweats every night along with stomach pain all the time. I had no energy even though I was working out 3x a week.

How do you feel now?
Since starting the Microcurrent Weight Loss Program, I’ve noticed that I have more energy and more zip in my step. My sleep has improved and my night sweats have improved by 80 plus percent!!! I also no longer have any stomach aches. I have also lost 6 lbs and 1% body fat in only 5 weeks! With all of the changes I have made, I feel fantastic! The best part is I like myself more due to knowing I can do anything. With all of this who could ask for more? – Joyce Surette



How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
Before coming to NWHS, I was miserable! I suffered from IBS and eczema and also had chronic migraines with year round allergies and asthma. I was also morbidly obese and out of shape. My cholesterol was very high and I was on statins at the age of 25.

How do you feel now?
Since coming to NWHS, my IBS has completely resolved along with my asthma! I have also seen huge improvements in my eczema, migraines and allergies! That alone has made me feel so much better! I started to exercise regularly and have made great gains in my overall fitness. Since starting the Microcurrent Ideal Weight Loss Program, I have lost 11 lbs and 2% BMI in only 3 weeks!! I have also lost 2 inches off my waist and have gain 1.4% muscle. My cholesterol, HDL and LDL levels are all within normal ranges! Most important, I feel fabulous! – Cassie Espinola



How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
I have been coming to NWHS for a year and a half and have made great strides to feeling healthier and feeling so much better, but try as I might my weight had hit a plateau. I would do really well, but would yo-yo between a ten pound range. My fluid has been a challenge to contend with as well. So when I had the opportunity to participate in the Microcurrent Weight Loss Program I jumped at it.

How do you feel now?
I have not only lost the infamous 10 lbs and have maintained it for weeks; I have – in the first seven weeks lost another 5.6 lbs and decreased my BMI by 2.3%.! My skin has been completely blemish-free (unheard of) and I can wear my wedding ring everyday not just the three days a month when my fluid was in check. The biggest thing however is the change in the relationship I have with food. Being on this specialized meal plan for 7 weeks has shifted my focus and has diminished my cravings. I have zero cravings for foods outside this program and my mood, energy and sleep has improved tenfold! I’ve realized that changing things up and keeping my body guessing is key! I am looking forward to the remaining weeks on this program! – Jennessa Durrani



How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
My energy was low and I was having trouble sleeping at night. I had some frustration because I have been stuck at my weight and it was slowing creeping up. I couldn’t get myself out of a rut!

How do you feel now?
After only five weeks on the Microcurrent Weight Loss Program I have lost 11 lbs, 2 inches off my waist and hips, 2.5% body fat and my BMI has gone down almost 2%!! I’ve noticed a dramatic decrease in cravings for sweets and the meal plan is very easy to follow. I always feel refreshed and recharged after every session. I have also noticed improvements in my stamina during workouts! Microcurrent is exactly what I needed to jump start my weight loss! I am looking forward to seeing where the next five weeks brings! – Tara Salvador



How did you feel before coming to NWHS?
I was struggling to get back on track after a hard period of my life. I’ve been coming to NWHS for a couple of years and I know how to eat healthy, but had gained weight and have had a hard time loosing it. I was also feeling stressed and succumb to my sugar cravings. I felt bloated, tired, out of control, low energy and low will power.

How do you feel now?
I am halfway through the 10 week Ideal Weight Loss Program and I feel like a brand new person! The commitment to the program and to myself has been balanced by how much I enjoy the microcurrent sessions! I feel like my body is happy inside and out! I feel clean, energetic, happy and relaxed. I have been doing classes at the gym that I never thought I could, such as, kick boxing, step and Zumba at least two times a week! After each Microcurrent session, I feel my senses get sharper and I enjoy myself more and more. I sleep well, digest well and feel I am able to keep myself clean of bad food choices without feeling that I am being deprived. I have been able to enjoy making new dishes and presenting it to my family. I am just halfway through the program and I have lost over 6lbs and 4 inches off my waist! I have lost 4% body fat and 1.1% BMI and have gained 1.5% muscle! I can’t wait to see my results when I am finished with the program!– Dafna Flores



For years I have been eating well and exercising at least 5 days a week. I had lost a good amount of weight about 5 years ago and was keeping it off consistently, but I still had 10 more pounds to go and NOTHING (cleanses, supplements, detoxes, fasts, etc.) worked! This was beyond frustrating and a source of stress for me. This went on for about 4 years and still the scale would not budge…until I came across the Microcurrent !I was completely skeptical at first but quickly saw results. With guidance through this 10 week program, I lost 12 pounds and feel amazing! I have more energy, went down a dress size, feel more even keel, sleep better, do not have that “bloated feeling” anymore, my digestion has improved and my family says I have more patience. I finally found something that helped with my last bit of weight loss that was literally weighing me down. I cannot thank you enough for your help and support! I feel amazing! – D.K.