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Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy with Lesley Kupiec, RDH, MS of The Breathe Institute

How we sleep and breathe, where we place our tongue at rest, and even how we chew and swallow our food can have a huge impact on growth and development. Improper function and/or structure can result in serious health issues like Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) over time. Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) addresses breathing, balancing facial muscles for chewing, speaking and swallowing, improving tongue tone and rest position in the mouth, all of which can help reduce a wide range of symptoms by bringing the body back in balance. Learn how providers at The Breathe Institute (TBI) of California combine their collective expertise with an interdisciplinary approach to address all conditions related to sleep disordered breathing.  Through ongoing research, clinical care, and community service, TBI continually collaborates to refine and improve treatment of OSA and other airway and sleep issues, always striving to advance the standard of care and improve patient outcomes.

This is a virtual seminar. You will receive a link the day of the seminar and have up to one week to watch the replay. Thank you for learning + growing with NWHS!

Orofactial Myofunctional Therapy