What Really Causes High Cholesterol?


Whether you have recently been diagnosed with high cholesterol or know someone who has, it can be scary and knowing the proper steps to handle your cholesterol is essential for optimal healing.

Before we dive into the facts regarding this ever so popular topic, let's first review what actually IS cholesterol. Cholesterol is found in all cells of the human body and in some foods like shrimp and eggs. Cholesterol is imperative to a healthy body and if it goes too low, can cause major health issues such as hormonal imbalances and an impaired immune system. The reason for this is because it is a necessary precursor for the production of vitamin D, major hormones and bile salts that help to break down carbs, fats and proteins. In addition, cholesterol is essential for our brain function and for the production of our "happy" and "feel good" hormones: serotonin and dopamine.

For years, the guideline has always been that healthy cholesterol levels are considered to be 250 or below. In recent years they have changed that number to 200 or below, some believe a pull by big pharma to put more people on statin drugs. What we recommend at NWHS is cholesterol 250 or below WITH healthy HDL, LDL and triglyceride levels. If your cholesterol is high you may be eager to start eliminating meats, eggs, cheese, etc. and we wanted to share with you the facts on what truly raises our cholesterol levels before making dietary changes.

What Really Raises Cholesterol?

1.) Processed foods

2.) Hidden food allergies

3.) Some medications

4.) Dairy

5.) Too little or too much exercise

6.) Caffeine, especially coffee

7.) Stimulants

8.) Lack of fiber and sufficient vegetable intake

9.) Alcohol

10.) Excess carbohydrates

11.) Sugar

12.) Holding on to anger...anger is related to the liver and cholesterol is manufactured in your liver

We strongly believe getting in a variety of organic foods (yes organic meats, poultry and eggs), at least 6 cups of vegetables per day, cutting down on processed foods and stimulants, releasing and healing from toxic emotions, being consistently physically active, etc. will greatly improve your cholesterol levels, naturally. We have seen this happen time and time again over the 14 yrs in practice and as always we recommend NRT to see more deeply the root cause to WHY the body is having cholesterol issues in conjunction with dietary changes.

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