Why Detox Footbaths?


The Ionic Detox Footbath treatments that we offer at NWHS are used to help facilitate the body in the detoxification process. Each treatment is 30 minutes in length, is non-invasive, painless, calming, safe and natural. Living 2021, we are bombarded with heavy metals, chemicals and pollutants that can easily enter our body through our water supply, food supply and chemicals we inhale and or unknowingly ingest. It is proven by countless research that the accumulation of toxins over time can lead to various negative symptoms with our health and or disease. Helping assist our body on a regular basis with the detoxification process is essential to living a healthy life and preventing future health challenges. 

There are various ways to help your body detox. Eating a healthy diet, exercise, cleanses, drinking enough water (clean/filtered), colon hydrotherapy, infrared saunas, sweating, NRT, etc. are all wonderful ways to help your body naturally detox. Ionic Detox Footbaths are another modality to help assist your body in pushing out substances that are in excess in your body that do not belong there. With the NWHS Ionic Detox Foothbaths we utilize the power of ions help to ionize the water as the water is split into OH- and H+ ions. These ions attract and neutralize oppositely charged toxins helping to assist your body in the natural detoxification process. After an Ionic Detox Footbath session, clients report feeling more calm, relaxed, and focused. After a handful of treatments clients report improved skin, digestion, immunity, sleep, focus, energy and more!

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