How To Boost Your Children's Immune System

This is the prime time of the year for viruses like influenza, rhinovirus, RSV, etc to be showing up and working their way around. Now that children are back to school and social events such as sports, dance class, and hanging out with friends, these viruses are going to be popping up to play as well. With these quick and easy steps, you can help to boost your children’s immune systems for this season of coughs, colds and runny noses. 

  1. Cut out or greatly decrease the amount of sugar, dairy, and gluten intake: All three of these foods cause inflammation in the body. Inflammation then in turn causes stress to the body. FUN FACT- over 80% of your immune system is in your gut. This unnecessary inflammation and stress is going to upset the gut and in turn, the immune system. And, not only do sugar and dairy cause inflammation but they also feed viruses-- and nobody wants or needs a virus party happening in their gut!

  2. Water, water, water: I cannot stress enough the importance of hydration, especially when it comes to boosting the immune system. When there is enough water in the body, the blood in the body flows more efficiently, allowing oxygen to reach all the organs needed to fight off viruses, while also flushing the body of any waste it does not need. So buy a fun new water bottle, make it a water drinking competition, or just work on increasing water intake day by day. Whatever it is that works for you and your children to DRINK MORE WATER.

  3. Eat whole foods that boost your immune system: There are a lot of yummy, healthy foods that you and your children can eat to help strengthen the immune system. For example: 

    Berries: these are a great source of antioxidants. My favorites are blueberries and strawberries and I love to throw them in a blender with some spinach, almond milk, a scoop of berry greens first, and my Standard Process protein powder for a delicious smoothie.

    Green vegetables: these are jam packed with vitamins and minerals which help to promote immunity in the body. As stated above you can hide some of these in smoothies or make them taste yummy by roasting them with tasty spices in the oven. 

    Nuts: these are also a great source of antioxidants, contain vitamins and minerals AND reduce inflammation!

  4. Move the body: Although the air is getting colder, it is so important to get outside and try to soak in a little sunshine for some vitamin D. Even if it is 20 minutes of walking, playing at the park, raking leaves, or soon enough… building a snowman. Move the body, get the blood flowing, and breathe in that fresh air. 

  5. Sleep Zzz: Try to make sure your children are getting 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Try turning off the TV, iPads, cellphones and other electronic devices an hour before bedtime. Either read to them, or if they are old enough they can read themselves or to you before going to sleep. Try to get into the habit of a regular bedtime, allowing your child to get enough sleep for the body to rest and repair overnight.

  6. Supplements:

    Children’s General Immune Bundle (for ages 2 years +)

    2 Vitamin C gummies/day + 1 vitamin D gummy/day + 2 congaplex chewable/day 

    *Cost $42.15 

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