Tips For Getting Out Of A Funk


As human beings, it is so normal to go through highs and lows. There are good years and bad years, great days and dark days. This is all part of this thing called life that we are all trying to navigate as best as possible. With most recent events over the last year in a half especially, it has rocked a lot of people’s worlds, jobs, families and more. If you are struggling mentally and or emotionally, we urge you to seek out help – with a friend, family member, loved one and professional help with a doctor and or counselor. In addition, below are some helpful tips to help support you when you are in a funk and needing some tips to help naturally elevate your mood and get to a more peaceful and more balanced place.

Mood Boosting Tips:

Feel the feeling but do not attach a story

It is so important to FEEL YOUR FEELINGS instead of ignoring them, moving on too fast and or not fully feeling and or acknowledging why you feel the way you do. For example:

“I feel sad”
“I feel anxious”
“I feel lonely”

After you say or write down the emotion you are feeling it is so important to STOP right there after the emotion. Truly FEEL that feeling, whatever it may be, and try to not attach a story to it. It is so important to feel your emotions, digest them and let them run through you with no stories at all attached to it. When we attach stories to the emotions, that is when we can go down an unnecessary rabbit hole and make ourselves feel so much worse!

Laugh and be inspired

Watch these mood boosting shows/documentaries:

“The Secret”

And any funny TV show series + movies. Avoid watching heavy, sad movies and or TV shows, the news, etc. Protect your energy.

Purge What You’re Carrying

Grab a brown paper bag and with a sharpie write down ALL THE THINGS that are weighing you down. Limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, experiences, something someone did or said etc. Then look at what you’re carrying - throw that bag away! Rip it up, burn it – release all that you have been carrying.

Get Off Social Media

Take a break from social media, the news, distance yourself from certain people, etc. Get outside, re-connect with nature. Go by the water, the mountains, etc. put your feet on the earth to ground yourself and reconnect to yourself while being outside and away from media and or negativity.

Prioritize Self Care

Make sure you are prioritizing getting enough sleep, water, physical movement as well as healthy nutrition. Over 80% of your hormones that control your mood are produced in your stomach. Ensuring you are consuming whole foods, and a healthy portion of healthy proteins, fats and veggies every few hours will greatly help to boost your mood.

Avoid Overanalyzing

Avoid beating yourself up for how you feel, or feel guilty about it, etc. FEEL the feelings, avoid attaching a story to it and keep reminding yourself that you are human and funks happen and that this will pass. You will feel more balanced and happier, and this funk is not forever.


One of the quickest ways to get out of a funk is practicing GRATITUDE! Grab a pen and paper and write down AT LEAST 15 things you are grateful for. Put it in a place you can see it if you can. Do this as much as possible throughout the week.

NRT + Emotion Code

Nutrition Response Testing is an incredible modality for helping to uncover toxicities and deficiencies in the body that can contribute to an imbalanced mood. In addition, NRT can test for a variety of all-natural supplements that help with anxiety, stress, depression and more to help naturally support your mental and emotional health. Emotion Code is an NWHS service we provide to clients in office and virtually to help release emotions that are no longer serving us for our highest and best.

Practitioners We LOVE!

Below is a list of practitioners we love and have used to help recalibrate our bodies and minds. These are gifted healers that help their clients overcome life obstacles and step into a more balanced state of being.


Energy Healing By Crystal


Dee Dee Ritzinger

TJ Macari, New England Family Osteopathy Lynnfield


Bobbi Xavier

Rachel Tolan
781 733 1451

A Balanced Self


Heather Ambler

Bobbi Xavier


Ancient Path Acupuncture & Herbs

Acuharmony Acupuncture


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